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B e a r i n g Witness

Stories of supporting my husband through mental illness

I'm just here to say: I see you. Supporting a loved one through mental illness is hard and lonely. I hope you feel less alone through reading our story.

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The Alcohol Problem

Alcohol began to play a role in coping with Nick's mental illness - for both of us. That's not to say that either one of us ever met the...

I Wanted a Divorce

I've been delaying this topic for a while. It's hard to talk about for a multitude of reasons. Before I go on, I want to make it...

The Mindset Shifts (4/4): Teammates

Imagine this: you work in an office and you have two bosses. One boss wants to expand the number of services the business offers. The...

Skydiving For My Mental Health

When Nick was hospitalized, I was already in therapy. I was also knee-deep into Brené Brown's work on vulnerability. I had just finished...


I have mentioned that I didn't tell friends and family what was going on with Nick in the early stages. There's a handful of reasons for...

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